Do you ever feel like NOT posting your every move and life experience on Facebook somehow equates to failure for the day? There are some days I avoid social media like the plaque which is kinda a problem when it’s your job. But some days I’m just too busy living my life rather than sharing it.
Take for example this Labor Day weekend. It’s late Monday night when I finally decided to check out Facebook, when all the cool things my friends posted over the weekend starts popping up (minus my cousin being without power thanks to the hurricane that hit Florida).
Trips to the beach, Six Flags, end of summer festivals, the pool, hiking the dunes, baseball games….the list is endless. And for a minute I started thinking what the hell did I do all weekend and why didn’t I post anything? My last post was sharing some DIY hand cleanser.
Wow – exciting stuff people. Nothing says holiday weekend like how to make your own hand sanitizer.
I even looked at my camera roll and that was a big fat fail. Except for a few random pics. {But never fear because Facebook put the memories from last year’s Labor Day weekend when we visited family in Michigan.}
But then I woke the hell up and stopped having social media depression because I did some really cool shit this weekend too and did a wonderful job executing my Well Played skills. I just forgot to take photos and post it on Facebook. Sue me – I know the world may come to an end.
Did I just scar my kids? How will they girls ever remember the most awesome Labor Day weekend they experienced??
Because I was too busy enjoying life here are 16 Things I forgot to post on Facebook Labor Day Weekend…
- Watched a movie (can’t even remember which one but I’m pretty sure it was good)
- Took a long nap (possibly due to whatever awesome thing we did the night before)
- Wrote a blog post
- Went to someone else’s block party (Yeah that’s a thing and we’re doing it) + enjoyed a really awesome pig roast
- Attended a house party to break in our friend’s new pimped out backyard patio
- Celebrated a friend’s birthday
- Went shopping for home decor and purchased this wall art for our dining room
- Obsessed over what fabric we should choose for our dining room #firstworldproblems
- Consumed many PassionFruit LaCroix (OMG you have to try this flavor it’s da bomb!)
- Had friends over and laughed my a$$ off all night
- Saw a fox in our backyard who would not leave
- Did Yoga
- Went for a long walk with a good friend
- Primed our dining room buffet to be painted (ok so not me personally but I watched my husband)
- Ate ribs
- Watched my kids wash our cars (I’m sure they will totally kill me for sharing this photo one day)
Alison, I love it!! Usually when you aren’t posting on social media, means you are having fun! Glad you enjoyed your weekend. Your girls are just adorable. P.S. You have to give me the scoop about my new neighbors 😉
I couldn’t agree more! Hope you had a great weekend too. Just think you’ll soon have two dog walkers and car washers just around the corner. 🙂 I will give you the scoop but I’m a little worried about Larry after our fox encounter this weekend.