When the idea of building a home became a reality, my first concern was what style would we agree upon? My husband and I have very strong opinions on decorating our current home and sometimes we don’t always see eye to eye.
As we searched with our realtor to find a builder and a lot, snapping photos of every front door, garage door, windows, trim – you name it – that we liked. The exterior design of a home is so important. I wasn’t looking for anything over the top, just a style that felt like “home” to us.
In the beginning I was drawn to traditional homes made of stone and brick while my husband was drawn to a Nantucket style home. This could be a serious problem.
For some reason the Nantucket style home just didn’t do much for me. All the neighboring homes in the area we are moving have very small porches or none at all. Part of me agreeing to move out of the city was based on a few things. 1. I finally get a yard to plant a garden and 2 – I want a front porch and a swing.
Those are my primary concessions. Yes, there are others…
Thankfully we found an amazing Chicago builder who understood my concerns and promised our home would be beautifully designed however we wanted. Of course my husband’s response was – At what cost?
After seeing so many features that I didn’t want – how was I going to communicate what we did want with the architect? That’s when I turned to Houzz and fell in love with Nantucket homes.

Omigosh it looks soooooo gorgeous. It is my dream to one day build my own home exactly the way I want it. I cannot WAIT to live vicariously through you.