Could you give up coffee and go 100% caffeine free? Ok I know – crazy right? This Chicory Root Latte recipe answered all my prayers, allowing me to break up with my morning cup of coffee for good.
Well as long as I can stand it…
I actually love the taste of coffee. It wasn’t all for the buzz. Ok, maybe 50% buzz 50% taste.
Why Give up Coffee?
Not to bore you with all the mundane details, but recently being diagnosed with several food sensitivities and Candida, it was time to say adios. I’ve been avoiding this day for several years.
Even with my efforts switching to Bulletproof coffee beans, drinking Bulletproof Coffee, cutting back to 1 cup a day – it wasn’t enough.
Candida and coffee don’t mix. If you’re not familiar with the reasons why caffeine should be avoided read this great post. Did you know that coffee can cross-react with gluten and mimic symptoms of gluten intolerance?
Yeah me either! For years I’ve been avoiding gluten as much as possible but still drinking coffee. There was a strong probability my body was stilling thinking I was consuming gluten.
Basically gluten-free foods like coffee, chocolate and cheese contain proteins so similar to gluten that your body confuses them with gluten. When these foods are consumed, your body and immune system react as if you just ate a bowl of whole-wheat pasta {source}.
I realize not everyone could go cold turkey {I’m talking to you hubs}.
For many, the slight suggestion of eliminating coffee can become a hostile conversation. But ask those same people – how’s it going with digestion, brain fog, bloating, skin problems, mood swings or insomnia and they all but refuse to believe it’s related to daily coffee consumption. I live with one of these people.
Chicory Root Coffee Tastes & Brews Like Coffee
A few years ago I discovered Teeccino herbal coffee, which is heaven in a cup, but it’s made from Barley and not gluten-free. If gluten is NOT an issue, this product is a great place to start the weaning process.
Try replacing a few tablespoons with your regular coffee grounds. You might be surprised how Teeccnio reduces the acidity of most coffee, creating a much smoother brew. I also like Dandy Blend, but that’s more like an instant coffee option.
If you’re ready to call it quits because decaf coffee really won’t solve the problem either, Chicory Root Coffee is where it’s at people! I like this brand too.
Ask any southerner about Chicory coffee and they’ll probably think of Café Du Monde. This is actually a blend of Chicory root and coffee beans, sadly not a viable caffeine-free option.
My favorite way to drink chicory root coffee is to brew in a French press and blend with Keto ingredients that are incredible for regulating hormones, burning fat, supporting digestion and intermittent fasting. If you’ve never tried IF, this post offers great tips to get started and why it’s good for the body.
Now I’m consuming 1.5 cups each morning and completely satisfied until around 12:30/1:00 pm when it’s time for lunch. The remainder of my calories are consumed between 1:30 pm & 7:00 pm.
Chicory Root Latte
- 1-1.5 cups brewed chicory root coffee (I use this and this)
- 2 tbsp coconut cream {or non-dairy nut milk}
- 1 tablespoon Bulletproof Brain Octane Oil
- 1 tbsp Hemp Seeds* {I also like using Chia Seeds but omit the cream and milk}
- 2 dashes of cinnamon {1/4 teaspoon}
- 2 scoops Vital Proteins Collagen Protein powder {I love this brand too}
Pour all ingredients but collagen protein powder into a high powered blender (I use a Vitamix) and blend for 30 seconds. Add protein powder and blend quickly {around 5 seconds}.
Pour into a cup and enjoy!
It’s important to use a high powered blender that can pulverize the hemp seeds. Otherwise the coffee won’t blend and this will be an epic fail. And you just might send me angry messages.
*If you’re wondering why I add hemp seeds to my coffee….Hemp seeds are key for hormone balance, have 0 net carbs, containing more protein and omegas and less carbs than the same serving of Chia or Flax. And it tastes really good!
Benefits Giving Up Coffee
- My skin is so different! No more bags under the eyes or dark circles. I also started used this amazing beauty tool nightly. Last week three different people commented on my skin!
- No more bloating and I lost 7 pounds. Eliminating caffeine meant focusing on gut health. This supplement recommended by my doctor has been a game changer for me.
- It’s easier to go to bed at a reasonable hour. I fall asleep quicker and wake up more refreshed. Even nights I do stay up later than necessary, I wake up feeling clear headed rather than craving coffee to get going.
- I’m starting to dig herbal tea again. My favorite is Holy Basil tea {my fav here and here} which is used as a natural remedy for anxiety, adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism, unbalanced blood sugar and as a home remedy for acne {source}.
Chicory root latte sounds awesome but does it break your fast? I fast from 7 pm to noon. Would love to have that latte before noon!
I think if you drink it black – no cream or milk or coconut oil it’s ok. It’s not much different from brewing coffee beans.
I’d love to give this a try but the link to your favorite chicory root takes me to Amazon where I find the label states it has 9 carbs with 4 of that fiber. 5 grams of carbs per cup? Ouch. Seems high for someone on keto.
1 tablespoon makes 10 ounces with this brand. I’ve tracked in MyFitPal app but it never shows carbs. You can also use Dandelion Root or Mushroom coffee which has 0 carbs. I switch things around often but I love this mushroom coffee Hope this helps!
Chicory root is a member of the dandelion family. Not related to barley.
I was referring to the herbal coffee brand that has barley not chicory root.