Elf on the Shelf has finally arrived – meet Charlie. For the past few years I told myself- NO WAY I’m getting one of those Elf on the shelf thingies. And then I caved. So here I am every night (like all parents across the world who have also succumbed) trying to come up with fun, creative ideas for Elf on the Shelf.
The Elf named Charlie takes up residency every December 1st with the intent of keeping the girls in check leading up to Christmas Eve. Yes they start asking persistently around Thanksgiving, but why the heck would I want this little dude complicating our life any longer than 24 days??
I held off purchasing (for many years) because I’m not one to follow marketing trends when it comes to kids. It doesn’t look like Elf on the Shelf scam is going away any time soon. I’m sure you’re probably laughing at how behind the eight ball I am – right?
Yes I’ve spent hours Googling “Elf on the Shelf ideas”. Are people insane? Why can’t the damn thing just sit on the shelf and get the job done? Why does he has to be mischievous and adventurous while we’re all sleeping? And you can’t touch or he’ll lose his magic?
Ok if you say so….
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In the beginning I wasn’t sure if Charlie would be the adventurous type, but after a few weeks he really started to come out of his shell. It also became highly entertaining watching the girls get so excited every morning. Apparently they talk about Elf on the Shelf at school with their classmates and teachers.
Who am I to deprive two little girls some Christmas fun?
Charlie has not disappointed. Like the one time he helped himself to a glass of water. Or is that vodka? Out of respect for his privacy we’ll never tell.
Creative Ideas for Elf on the Shelf:
This is what I really think of Overachieving Elf on the Shelf Mommies. It NEVER gets old reading that. LOL
The Little Style File’s Elf on the Shelf Pinterest Board – very cool printables that we are using too.
There’s an entire website dedicated to Elf on the Shelf Ideas with photo examples. Hilarious!
Then Blossum Bunk House published her list of 101 Elf on the Shelf Ideas. Um ok go on with your bad self (aka overachieving elf on the shelf mommy.) I’m exhausted just reading this!
Buy a freaking Elf on the Shelf Kit. Worth every penny. Just buy it.
Do I believe Charlie is pulling his weight around here and keeping the kiddos in line? It’s been five years since our Elf on the Shelf joined the fam and my nine year old is milking this to the bitter end. Every night she writes Charlie a letter asking random questions like..
Hey Charlie can you send your girlfriend? We want to meet her.
WTH? Now he has a girlfriend? Who told you this at school? I want names.
Dear Charlie, this year I want a really small dog from a real breeder.
Um, we adopted the cutest and sweetest Maltese last year that weighs 8 pounds! How small can a dog be?
Dear Charlie & Santa, Thanks for sending your girlfriend!! Can we keep her?
Don’t ask. Yes she wore me down with the constant letters asking for girlfriend. Charlie made me do it! I swear she’s to keep Charlie company.
Do you have any creative ideas for Elf on the Shelf to share?
Post in the comment section below and we’ll share on our Facebook page.
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Thanks for sharing our printables! I honestly wish we never started this tradition! Kids love it but we forget all the time! Lol have fun with it!
You’re so welcome. Had no idea people were so into this. Have a feeling we may regret starting it too.