A new luxury Blowtique.
Chic Mom: Molly Dare Hillenbrand
Kids: Carolyn (8) Sophie (5)
Occupation: Owner of Luxaby Baby & Child
About Molly: I am a mother to two young girls who make me laugh out loud every single day! I opened up my first store in September 2009 and just recently opened up my second store on Oak Street in Chicago this past September 2013!
SMITC Interview with Molly:
SM: What is one thing most people don’t know about you?
MH: I don’t have my ears pierced!
SM: What or who inspired you to open a children’s boutique?
MH: My children inspire everything I do. I had a hard time finding the classic clothing that I wanted my children to wear so I decided to put together a website and a store that combined all of my favorite designers into one classic and cohesive collection.
SM: What should moms know about Luxaby and what you offer? How are you different?
MH: We offer clothing that is classic and timeless that can be passed down from one sibling to the next and one generation to the next. We also recently started carrying maternity lines Isabella Oliver and Olian which has been doing very well! We offer a range of prices for baby gifts from everything from a $16 animal lovie to a $600 cashmere blanket and all prices in between!
SM:What has been the biggest challenge balancing work and motherhood?
MH: I’ve never seen a mom who isn’t working in one way or another! Running the store is just one more thing to juggle! I would say my biggest challenge is being able to enjoy the space that I am in and not feel guilty about where I am not. When I am with my kids I try to be completely present with them and put work out of my mind. When I am at work I try to not feel the guilt of not being with my girls at that moment but hope that they instead see how hard I am working on making my dream come true. They love when they get to come to work with me so I am always thrilled when I get to combine the two!
SM: What do you love most about being an entrepreneur?
MH: I love that every day I get to do what I love! It doesn’t feel like work when you are selling something you believe in and are passionate about. I get to have complete creative control of my vision. When you are able to take risks and see it work out it gives you the confidence to continue on with your dream and aim even higher!
SM: What is your guilty pleasure when you get a little coveted ‘me’ time?
MH: Ha! ‘Me’ time is something I am looking forward to eventually. When I do get some time to myself I just enjoy being with my best friends who inspire and motivate me. I love trying new restaurants and since I am new to Chicago – a girls night out at a new restaurant is my most recent (not-so-guilty) pleasure!
Visit Luxaby Baby & Child in Chicago (59 E Oak), connect on Facebook here and follow on Twitter @luxabybabychild and @luxabygirl.
Sassy Facts about Molly
I never leave home without… Coffee!
My biggest fashion influence is… It’s hard to choose just one! I love Tracy Reese’s current collection.
My favorite place to shop in Chicago is… Oak Street!
My guilty pleasure is…. that glass or two (or three) of wine at the end of a long day!
My must-have beauty product is… La Mer Face Cream