I’m Sarah from The Kissing Booth Blog here for Fashion Friday! I'm not sure about you but it is finally starting to feel like the end of winter is coming! March is HERE and spring trends are all around us. I am looking forward to rainy days instead of snow days and wearing my rain coat instead of winter coat! I've had the winter blues for the past few weeks, so this spring inspired clothing coming into stores is here at the perfect time. Some of the spring trends I'm loving include bright ...
fashion friday
workout style: #fashionfriday
We are nearing the end of January and I am tying to keep my resolutions alive and strong for 2015. Every year I say that I want to get better at my yoga practice and be able to do more of the advanced poses. I have been pretty good about going to yoga class so far this year and have been challenging myself with those harder poses. Source My yoga teachers often say 'showing up to class is the hardest part.' Now that we are in winter mode and it isn't fun to leave the house I understand why ...
instachic: stylish moms on instagram featuring shannon willardson
Hey stylish moms I'm back to my Insta stalking this week. But first let's talk about what's happening around Instagram for a moment. On Monday I took Hilary Rushford's FREE webinar strategically titled: "Double Your Instagram Following". You may have taken it too along with about 2,000 other Instagramers thirsty to know the secret to increasing our followers. I will give props to Hilary for getting me very excited after registering, sending multiple emails with promises of learning ...