Perfecting my homemade hot chocolate recipe is a personal mission. Prepackaged mixes filled with preservatives, GMO and any other unrecognizable ingredient listed makes me cringe. Yuck. Another reason I refuse to purchase hot chocolate mixes? It's entirely too simple to prepare using all the things you probably have on hand right now - milk, sugar and cocoa powder. I'm going old school to create the best homemade hot chocolate recipe with a few special touches. Thanks to CVS for ...
holiday entertaining with treats from gold emblem
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! We're on our way to visit our family in Florida and one of my favorite traditions is my Aunt's annual Christmas party. The food, libations and friends we see only a few times throughout the year. When it comes to home entertaining, my mom and aunt taught me well. Prepare as much food as possible a day or two prior and homemade is best are just of few of our mottos, however there are times when relying on the convenience of prepared food - saves ...
stress free tips: preparing for holiday guests
I miss my family so much during the holidays. Although this is officially our last Christmas in the only home the girls have ever known, we decided to celebrate in Florida. My mom was worried we'd regret not being home for the holidays, but being near family is much more important. While it's bittersweet this is our last year in the city, I'd rather focus on creating new memories. Who wants to be thinking about the last when we should be thinking about the first of many! Whether you'll ...