Help me welcome our newest contributor acclaimed Chicago hair stylist and author – Jon- David aka The Mafia Hairdresser! When he’s not styling (my) hair or working on his latest book, you can find him blogging…..
My name is jon-david, and I’m a Mommy Blogger.
Like many of you, it took a long time to admit to myself that my blogging had taken on a tone, as some of my friends would say. I’ve spent two decades, stealing time away from family and friends, typing and honing my skills as a writer while deflecting comments, such as, “It doesn’t pay,” “Why are you writing about that,” “Do you think you ever want to get published?” and: “You better not write about me.”
Like most of us Mommy Bloggers [whew, it’s like a weight lifting off my shoulders when I say that!] we started out by writing only for ourselves, about what we knew or recently discovered, like, how maddening it was to find out there are so many needless & dangerous chemicals in our cosmetics or food and why it was important to keep an I.D. collar your dog; and then we sent those letters to the brands who were guilty of polluting our families and the neighbor who almost lost their pooch. Some of us began venting by writing, just for ourselves, at first, about our spouses, the lack of real in our reality shows, and how Lindsay Lohan’s blond hair makes her look even more like an out-of-control drug user.
Of course, the letters to brands and manufacturers, the vent-writing and the nagging from our friends lead us all to “Mommy Blogging.”
Once I started blogging in earnest, that’s when I began to write about the subjects in life that uplifted me. I began to write about the things that my clients would thank me for. I wrote about the new restaurant I liked, the astrologer I went to. And I wrote about fine hair and how it would have more body if you let it cool before you let go of it with your brush or hand while blow drying. I did a blog about getting vitamin D levels checked if it was winter and one felt overly tired or depressed. And I continue to write about wonderful people who save animals or lead crusades for children with cancer or any other worthy cause.
When did I notice the tone that made me realize that I was Mommy Blogger?
I noticed when my women friends on Facebook would send me related articles and blogs in response to my own blogs. It became more apparent when my clients began to follow me on Twitter and read my blog at All the attention got me to thinking.
What do I actually write about?
One of my bios that I posted for myself on one of the social media platforms I used to promote my writing said, “jon-david is an environmental animal loving hairdresser who writes about fabulously dangerous lifestyles and everything that he talk about with his clients.”
The dangerous lifestyles can only be read in my published novels, the rest is in my blogs and that’s where you’ll read about family issues, hair-skin-beauty tips, restaurants, green causes, charity events and animal care; plus anything that me an my clients talk about. I write what Mommy Bloggers write. I have the tone of someone who cares about the same things as smart moms do.
So, I’m a Mommy Blogger, and I’m owning it. Can you?
I liked this article about what Mommy Bloggers are not, from Mashable: Top 10 Misconceptions About Mommy Bloggers
jon-david is a hairdresser at Joseph Michael’s Salon & Spa
Ha, cute, you obviously are cut out for mommy blogging. I have six children and homeschool and never once considered mommy blogging. No, my writing time I spend killing people to relieve the stress from the six children (and so I won’t kill them, lol.)