Dolls have been such an important part of playtime for girls for many, many years. I remember growing up and having tons of play sessions with my sisters and cousins, all based around our dolls! We would dress them up and create these fun and elaborate fantasy worlds - those moments are some of the more vivid memories I have from my childhood. But, something even more exciting than remembering my past, is watching my daughter create her own memories with her dolls. Julia LOVES dolls! She’ll ...
PlayCHIC Fashion Show: Fashion is More Fun After Dark
My favorite time of year is here! Kicking off November feeling excited about the holiday season. Chicago Toy and Game Week is back at Navy Pier for its 14th year! If you've been following So Chic Life for awhile you know how much my family loves PlayCHIC Fashion Show is my favorite event of the year! This will be my third year as a PlayCHIC Fashion Ambassador comprised of some of the most influential social media mavens. Excited to announce who will be joining me! Christine ...
Rescuing My Dog Really Rescued Me
After our move from the city the first thing the girls asked was - Can we get a dog now? It's been 7 years since the sweet dog I adopted from the SPCA while living in Dallas passed away. Jasmin came into my life just before I turned 30 and became my first child. That little dog was my everything...She passed away three months after my youngest daughter was born but to this day my oldest still talks about her. There's something really special about adopting a pet from an animal shelter. ...